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Correct cleaning method of optical lens

In the process of installation and cleaning of the lens, any slits, even fingernails or oil droplets, will increase the absorption rate of the lens and reduce the service life. Therefore, the following precautions must be taken:

1、Never use bare fingers to install lenses. A finger sleeve or rubber glove should be worn.

2、Do not use sharp instruments to avoid scratches on the surface of the lens.

3、When the lens is taken out, the film can not be contacted. Instead, you should hold the edge of the lens.

4、The lenses should be kept in a dry, clean area for inspection and cleaning. A good workbench should have several layers of cleaning paper towels or paper towels on the surface, and several cleaning lens tissue paper.

5、Users should avoid speaking on top of the lenses. Food, beverages and other potential pollutants should be kept away from the working environment.

The correct cleaning method

In the process of cleaning the lens, the only purpose is to remove the pollutants from the lens and not to cause further contamination or damage to the lens. In order to achieve this, people tend to adopt less risky methods. The following operation steps are set up for this purpose and the user should adopt.

First, the air ball is applied to blow off the surface of the element, especially the surface with tiny particles and flocculent lenses. This step is necessary. But don't use compressed air on a production line. Because the air contains oil and water droplets. This will deepen the pollution of the lens.

The second step uses acetone to wash the lenses slightly. This level of acetone is almost unhydrated, reducing the possibility of lens contamination. The cotton ball dipped in acetone must clean the lens under the light and make a circular motion. Once the cotton swab is dirty, it must be replaced. Cleaning should be done at once to avoid generating a wave band.

If the lenses have two coated surfaces, such as lenses, each surface needs to be cleaned in this way. The first side needs to be placed on a clean sheet of optical lens paper to protect it.

If acetone does not remove all dirt, rinse with vinegar. Vinegar cleaning is used to remove dirt by dissolving it. But it does not harm optical lenses. This acid vinegar can be experimental grade (dilute to 50% strength) or white vinegar of 6% acetic acid in family use. The cleaning procedure is the same as the acetone cleaning. Then use acetone to remove acid vinegar and dry lenses. This is the time to change a cotton ball frequently to completely absorb acid and hydrate.

If the surface of the lens is not completely cleaned, then the polishing should be used. The polished cleaning is done with a fine (0.1 um) aluminum polishing paste.

This white liquid is dipped in cotton ball. Because the polishing is a mechanical grind. Therefore, the surface of the lens should be cleaned slowly and without pressure. Don't exceed 30 seconds. Then rinse the surface with distilled water or a cotton ball.

The surface of the lens should be cleaned with isopropyl ethanol after the polishing has been removed. The isopropyl ethanol gathers the remaining polish and water together and keeps it in a suspended form, then dips it with a cotton ball to remove the suspended material. If there is still residue on the surface, use alcohol and acetone to clean again until clean.

Of course, some pollutants and lens damage cannot be removed by cleaning. Especially the film layer caused by the splash and dirt of the metal. The only way to restore good performance is to change the lens.

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