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Cold Processing Procedure of Optical Lens

The first way: milling, is to remove the uneven surface of optical lens bubbles and impurities, (about 0.05-0.08) play a forming role.

The second process is to eliminate the damage layer of the milling optical lens and fix the R value.

The third way is the polishing process, which is to polish the optical lenses in a single polishing process. This process is mainly to make the appearance better.

The fourth way is to clean the polished lenses, which will clean the polishing powder on the surface, so as to prevent jamming.

The fifth way is to grind the outer diameter of the original optical lens to the specified outer diameter.

The sixth way is to coat. It will need to coat the surface of the coated lens with one or more layers of colored film or other film.

The seventh way is to apply ink, which will require optical lenses to prevent reflections on the outer edge of the map a layer of black ink.
The eighth way: It is gluing. It is to combine two lenses with opposite R value and same material of outer diameter with glue.

Special procedures: multi-slice processing (disc processing) and spherical processing (20 heels).

According to different production processes, there are slightly different processes, such as the sequence of ink coating and gluing.

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