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Do You Know Anything About Achromatic Lenses?

Ⅰ. About Apochromatic Lenses

An apochromatic lens is made up of two optical components that are cemented together: a positive low refractive index and a negative high refractive index. In comparison to a single lens with only one piece of glass, the dial design of a double lens gives the user more design flexibility and improves lens performance. Apochromatic lenses have a substantial advantage over single lenses of the same diameter and focal length because of this.

Positive apochromatic lenses, negative apochromatic lenses, triple apochromatic lenses, and aspheric apochromatic lenses are the most frequent apochromatic lens designs. The number of elements is independent of the amount of light adjusted by the lens, and can be double (two elements) or treble (three elements). In other words, apochromatic lenses can correct for both red and blue light in the visible spectrum when used in a double or triple arrangement.

A basic multicolored "white light source" imaging lens is much inferior to an apochromatic lens. An apochromatic lens (meaning "a lens without color") is made up of two parts that are combined to adjust for the intrinsic chromatic aberrations of glass. The apochromatic lens is particularly cost-effective for multi-color lighting and images because of its ability to eradicate tough chromatic aberrations.

Ⅱ. Aspheric apochromatic lenses are being investigated

The aspheric apochromatic lens is a low-cost lens that provides outstanding chromatic and spherical aberration correction to fulfill the demanding image needs of today's optical and vision systems. Lens designs for relay systems, spotting systems, high numerical aperture imaging systems, and beam expanders can all benefit from the aspheric apochromatic lens.

A glass optical lens is attached to a photosensitive polymer to create the aspheric apochromatic lens. The photosensitive polymer may be used on only one side of a double-bonded lens and is very straightforward to replicate in a short amount of time while yet giving the same flexibility as a multi-element assembly. Aspheric apochromatic lenses, unlike glass elements, have a narrow operating temperature range of 20°C to 80°C. For aspheric apochromatic lenses, this temperature range limits the use of transparency-enhancing coatings. Furthermore, the aspheric apochromatic lens' material prevents the transmission of deep UV light, making it inappropriate for particular applications. This lens is not scratch resistant, however, it is inexpensive and simple to repair. Overall, the lens still has a lot of benefits.

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