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Sapphire Lenses

  • Introduction

Sapphire Lenses

Sapphire is the best medium for spherical lenses that require a broad spectrum of light transmission and high optical clarity, especially in demanding applications such as laser system or working under harsh environmental conditions. With its excellent hardness, high thermal conductivity and resistance to chemical acids and alkalis, sapphire’s physical property is hard to machine, also requires unique polishing techniques.

 spherical lenses

At Hyperion Optics, our technicians are able to deliver excellent accuracy exactly customers ask for, no matter the finished products are used through infrared wavelength or within UV range, our sapphire products suit following applications:

  • Endoscopes & medical optical applications
  • Infrared (IR) sapphire optics for laser systems
  • Sapphire optics for LEDs & lighting applications
  • Sapphire lenses, reflectors & holders for fiber optics applications
  • Sapphire light pipes & light guides for IR transmission

Our precision sapphire lenses are widely used in imaging optics, chemical and erosion resistance front surface optics as well as focusing lenses.

Sapphire Lenses




Diameter Tolerance(mm)




Center Thickness(mm)




Radius (%)




Focal Length Tolerance (%)








Figure Tolerance in λ(Pow/irreg)

5 - 2

2 - 1

1 - 1/2

Centration (Arc min)




Dia. To Thick Ratio


Coating (T% avg)

96% @ 3-5um/7-14um.    95% @ 4-12um


CZ Optical Grade Sapphire

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