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  • Privacy Policy Privacy Policy Privacy and Data CollectionThis website collects information from our users at several different points on our website in order to process reservations and better serve you with pertinent information....
  • DNA: will it be the next Hot Optical Material? DNA: will it be the next Hot Optical Material? The backgroundAs the silicon glass becomes the base material for making optical fiber, silicon has become the main material in the field of inorganic photoelectric equipment. Not only is it easy to ge...
  • Telecentric Lenses Telecentric Lenses In many machine-vision systems, such as those used in semiconductor inspection, precise repeatable measurements must be made consistently. To ensure this occurs, system developers must turn to more ex...
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  • Contact Us Contact Us China Manufacturing Facility:Add: BaoXiang Road#6,Nanjing,ChinaTel: +86-25-866263111Fax: France Sales Office:Ms. LopezAdd : 50 Chemin des Guigniers 4912...
  • Zoom Lenses Zoom Lenses As opposed to a fixed focal length (FFL) lens, Zoom lens focal length can be varied, when maintains its focus. Changing the airspace between the lenses, the lens focal length will change; Such as CCTV...
  • System Advantages of Aspherical Lenses System Advantages of Aspherical Lenses Aspherical Lenses allow optical element designers to use less than traditional spherical element to calibrate the aberration, because the former aberration calibration provided for them than the latte...
  • F-theta Lenses F-theta Lenses Don’t have a complete design? No problem!F-Theta Scanning Lenses are commonly used in laser marking, engraving, and cutting systems. Used in conjunction with a galvanometer, beam expander, and Nd:YAG...
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  • Basic knowledge of aspheric lens technology Basic knowledge of aspheric lens technology 1、Technical principleThe curvature radius of the aspheric lens changes with the center axis. It can be used to improve optical quality, reduce the number of optical components and reduce design costs...
  • Miniature Lenses Miniature Lenses With the rapid growing market of consumer electronics and mobile phones, miniature cameras performance is becoming more challenging compared to years ago. However, manufacturing cost, packaging, imagi...
  • "VISION WELL BUILT" 30" COMMERCIAL Hyperion Optics always believes in the concept of bringing “Precision, Performance, Satisfaction, Cost-wise products” to our customers to meet the expected procurement experience. We are not simply manufacturing components and lenses, but delivering a com
  • The market and application of optical materials The market and application of optical materials In recent ten years, with the development of modern optics, optoelectronics and information technology, there has been a kind of photoelectric digital products and information products with high techn...
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  • The correct way to install optical lenses The correct way to install optical lenses In the installation process, if our installation method is incorrect, the optical lenses will be contaminated. Therefore, the previous operating procedures should be complied with. If a large number o...