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  • Multichannel Filter Multichannel Filter Multichannel filters differ from conventional bandpass filters by allowing only one continuous band of light to pass through it, allowing two or more bands of light to pass through.Multi-channel filte...
  • Infrared Lenses Infrared Lenses Hyperion regularly work with IR materials that spans across almost the entire IR spectrum. We use laser-based edging device to control MWIR and LWIR lenses' decenter deviation, and test on reflective centering station to fulfill extremely precise tasks.
  • Gallium Arsenide Lenses Gallium Arsenide Lenses GaAs is semi insulator, which can be used in large power continuous CO2 laser system to replace the zinc sulfide in lens or mirror forms. GaAs is suitable in applications consists of toughness and dur...
  • Dielectric HR Mirror Dielectric HR Mirror Reflective film from the coating material can generally be divided into two categories, one is the metal reflective film, one is all dielectric reflective film.Media reflection film using the principl...
  • Right Angle Prism Right Angle Prism Right angle prisms turn light through 90° by internal reflection from the hypotenuse, or 180° from two right angle surfaces. When the light incident angle is perpendicular to the right angle surface...
  • Quartz Fused Silica Windows Quartz Fused Silica Windows Hyperion Optics supplies a wide range of custom Quartz, UV fused silica and IR fused quartz windows through UV to infrared spectrum.Custom quartz windows: have a useful transmission range from 0.26 vi...
  • Optical Design & Assembly Optical Design & Assembly Hyperion's expert engineering and production teams work on 40+ custom lens projects every year. Our services range from feasibility research, design specifications verification, preliminary design, design optimization, cost/ performance analysis, to prototyping and volume production.
  • Rod and Cone Lenses Rod and Cone Lenses Rod lenses’ optical performance is similar to cylindrical lenses, incident collimated light passes through the polished circumference of the rod lens will be formed into a line. Variety of laser and ...
  • Diffractive Optical Elements Diffractive Optical Elements Diffractive Optical Elements (DOEs) have complex microstructural surfaces to manipulate (or “shape”) and split laser beams in an energy-efficient manner to achieve the desired optical functions. DOEs can achieve minimal light loss and enhance optical syst
  • We Offer Free Design Consultation Now We Offer Free Design Consultation Now We offer free design consultation for custom lens development projects. Including material mix recommendations and availability check. Further we will provide flexible tolerance adjustment consulting ...
  • Neutral Density Filter Neutral Density Filter Neutral gray-scale filter is a non-selective filter, that is, ND mirror for a variety of different wavelengths of light to reduce the capacity is the same, uniform, only to weaken the role of light, a...