Asphere Lenses
The complex surface profile of an asphere can significantly reduce or even eliminate spherical aberrations comparing to spherical lenses. Hence, asphericals have been increasingly more widely explored and adopted during the optical design stage.
Achromatic Doublet Lenses
At Hyperion Optics, with decades fabrication experiences, we have been providing our customer a vast number of achromatic lenses for their applications in different precision grades, please check ourt...
KTP Crystal
KTP crystal is mostly used as nonlinear crystals for frequency doubling of solid-state Nd:YAG crystal or Nd:YVO4 crystal laser, as it has large nonlinear optical coefficients, wide angular bandwidth a...
Infrared Windows
Among other materials for IR applications Tydex uses Germanium showing good transmission in 2-15 µm range. Due to high refractive index Ge lenses became very useful components of IR imaging systems o...
Coating Capability
Hyperion Optics provides anti-reflective, high reflective, dielectric, BBAR, V-coatings, dual wavelength coatings, and sharp cut-on and cut-off filters. Hyperion Optics can provide all types of anti-re...
IR Asphere Lenses
At Hyperion Optics, we work with various infrared materials. Besides spherical parts, with increasing demand of IR aspheric components, designers are more likely to use aspheric parts in LIRP projects...
Line Generating Fresnel Lenses
Hyperion Optics provides various fan angle line generating Fresnel lenses for laser alignment and machine vision applications. Unlike ordinary cylindrical lenses, line generating Fresnel lenses can pr...
As an optics supplier, Hyperion believes in quantitative science. From component-level production to complex lens assemblies, Hyperion employs quantitative measuring devices along every step of production to monitor and safeguard quality.
Achromatic Doublet Lenses
At Hyperion Optics, with decades fabrication experiences, we have been providing our customer a vast number of achromatic lenses for their applications in different precision grades, please check our ...
Rod and Cone Lenses
Rod lenses’ optical performance is similar to cylindrical lenses, incident collimated light passes through the polished circumference of the rod lens will be formed into a line. Variety of laser and ...
Optical System Design
The use of any kind of optical instruments and the conditions of use will certainly make demands on its optical system. Therefore, we must understand its requirements to the optical system before we c...
Our crystals solution includes BBO, BIBO, KTP, anti gray tracking KTP, LiNbO3, Nd YAG crystal and wafer and much more. With 1/10 lambda precision, coated/un-coated options, competitive pricing.
Hyperion Optics is a premium supplier of photonics products including optical components, lens systems, and opto-mechanical assemblies in UV, Visible, NIR, and SWIR applications.