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  • Dove Prism Dove Prism Dove prisms are used as reflective prism inverting the image. Dove prism is shaped from a truncated right-angle prism. Normally, dove prisms are used in the parallel optical path based on critical ang...
  • Achromatic Doublet Lenses Achromatic Doublet Lenses At Hyperion Optics, with decades fabrication experiences, we have been providing our customer a vast number of achromatic lenses for their applications in different precision grades, please check our ...
  • Dichroic Mirror Dichroic Mirror Hyperion Optics’s complete range of cost effective dichroic filter range offers superior transmission, reflection and absorption characteristics.Dichroic filters consist of thin film dielectric coatin...
  • Penta Prism Penta Prism Penta Prisms are used to define right angles in optical systems. Penta Prisms, which provide right handed images, feature a ray deviation of 90°. Penta Prisms are five-sided prisms and unaffected by ...
  • Singlet Lenses Singlet Lenses Singlet lens is a lens consisting of a pure single element, which can be considered as the fundamental element of developing optical systems. Based on optical engineers’ design, multiple singlet lens...
  • Dielectric HR Mirror Dielectric HR Mirror Reflective film from the coating material can generally be divided into two categories, one is the metal reflective film, one is all dielectric reflective film.Media reflection film using the principl...
  • Right Angle Prism Right Angle Prism Right angle prisms turn light through 90° by internal reflection from the hypotenuse, or 180° from two right angle surfaces. When the light incident angle is perpendicular to the right angle surface...
  • Rod and Cone Lenses Rod and Cone Lenses Rod lenses’ optical performance is similar to cylindrical lenses, incident collimated light passes through the polished circumference of the rod lens will be formed into a line. Variety of laser and ...
  • Diffractive Optical Elements Diffractive Optical Elements Diffractive Optical Elements (DOEs) have complex microstructural surfaces to manipulate (or “shape”) and split laser beams in an energy-efficient manner to achieve the desired optical functions. DOEs can achieve minimal light loss and enhance optical syst
  • Elliptical Mirror Elliptical Mirror Elliptical mirror is still a flat mirror, but the shape is cut into an oval, and the outer circle and the mirror into a 45 ° angle. When the elliptical mirror is mounted in the optical path by 45 [de...
  • Roof Prism Amici Prism Roof Prism Amici Prism A roof prism is a reflective optical prism containing a section where two faces meet at a 90° angle. Reflection from the two 90° faces returns an image that is flipped laterally across the axis wher...